Welcome to Modified Diesel Performance

For many years, we have been helping customers improve the performance of their diesel vehicle.

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At Modified Diesel Performance, we offer a variety of vehicle performance-enhancing services, including: 

Diesel Performance Tuning

  • ECU reflashing with master tooling to enable custom ECU re-writing for every vehicle 
  • First-class modules including Alpha Tech 
  • Complete exhaust systems
  • Valve body upgrades
  • Injector nozzles 
  • Intercoolers
  • Turbo upgrades
  • Performance engine rebuilds
  • Race engine rebuilds 
  • Suspension upgrades and lift kits
  • NPS heavy-duty and race clutch kits
  • Race, performance, and gearbox upgrades 
  • Custom air boxes and modifications

    Book A Service

    Diesel Performance Vehicle Servicing

    • We offer a free full vehicle inspection with all services
    • Latest in-house computer scan tools for all model vehicles 
    • Capable of diagnosing and fault finding a range of issues

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    Diesel Performance Specialists

    Our customers can have peace of mind knowing that we have put in extensive research and development into all makes of common rail and mechanical pump diesel engines.

    Customer Service

    We pride ourselves on our fantastic customer service and always going the extra mile to ensure our customers are 100% satisfied.

    Custom Fabrication

    We offer custom fabrication also, we like to commit to providing a unique experience for all of our customers.

    Central Location

    Conveniently located in central Port Kennedy, you can easily find our workshop and drop off your vehicle while we get to work.

    Fill in the form below or contact us at - 0439 252 577

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    Contact Info

    Beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qu.

    1300 123 123
    0400 123 123

    2 Helmshore Way, Port Kennedy WA 6172